Camo Chem




  • Wise – Check tutorial at the bottom
  • Direct Bank Transfer
    With this payment method you can pay straight from your € bank account to our € bank account.
    1. Calculate how much EUR you should send, by going on an converting the amount of your order in GBP to EUR

    2. Send the EUR from your bank account to our EUR bank account:
    Euro Bank Account Details
    NAME: Camo Creations LTD
    IBAN: BE33 9671 7104 8146
    Address: Rue du Trône 100, 3rd floor Brussels 1050 Belgium

    3. Please remember to put your order number in the payment reference.

United Kingdom

  • Direct Bank Transfer
    Please remember to put your order number in the payment reference and to send the amount in British Pounds (GBP).
    Bank transfer in GBP
    Account holder: Camo Creations Ltd
    Sort code: 23-14-70
    Account number: 82493135

United States

  • Wise -Check tutorial at the bottom
  • Direct Bank Transfer in USD
    Please remember to put your order number in the payment reference and to send the amount in USD

    Bank transfer in USD

    Here are the USD account details for Camo Creations Ltd.

    Account holder: Camo Creations Ltd
    ACH and Wire routing number: 026073150
    Account number: 8310879895
    Account type: Checking
    Wise’s address: 30 W. 26th Street, Sixth Floor
    New York NY 10010
    United States

Rest of World

  • Wise -Check tutorial bellow

Cryptocurrency (available worldwide)
Hey there! We’re excited to let you know that we’ve added Cryptocurrency as a payment option. You can now choose from a variety of cryptocurrencies and enjoy an 18% discount on your purchase. It’s a win-win situation as we both save on payment fees!

If you’re new to the world of cryptocurrency, don’t worry! There are plenty of tutorials available on YouTube to help you get started. Take your time to explore the various options that suit your needs and preferences based on your country. We can’t wait to provide you with an excellent shopping experience.




Come pagare il tuo ordine Camo Chem

Al momento i metodi di pagamento disponibili per i clienti italiani sono i seguenti:

Bonifico diretto:
Con questo metodo di pagamento puoi pagare direttamente dal tuo conto bancario in Euro al nostro conto bancario in Euro.

1. Calcola quanti EUR devi inviare, andando su e convertendo l’importo del tuo ordine da GBP a EUR
2. Invia l’importo in EUR dal tuo conto bancario al nostro conto bancario.
Dettagli del conto bancario
NOME: Camo Creations LTD
IBAN: BE33 9671 7104 8146
Indirizzo: Avenue Louise 54, Room S52, Brussels,1050, Belgium

Come causale inserisci solo il numero di ordine di 5 cifre che trovi nella mail di riepilogo.

Bonifico tramite Wise
Con questo metodo puoi effettuare un bonifico al nostro conto corrente anche se tu non sei in possesso di un conto corrente.

Ti basta seguire questo video tutorial:

Pagamento con cryptovaluta:
Puoi usufruire di un ulteriore sconto del 18% aggiuntivo effettuando il pagamento del tuo ordine con cryptovaluta.
Seleziona questo metodo al checkout e procedi con il pagamento con il tuo wallet e con la tua cryptovaluta preferita.
Puoi acquistare cryptovalute ed usarle per pagare il tuo ordine anche tramite il portafogli integrato di telegram:

Shopping Cart

Referral code

This is our referral code discount. Usually our customers get this discount from our affiliates but if you don’t have one, don’t worry you will be able to request it at the cart page!

Free shipping for billing over £ 110.00